Mother’s Day

I sat at a table at the place with my daughter’s name and a colorful little bound book. There was a gift bag in front of me and a row of fruits and muffins on a table beside me. This was Muffins for Mom.

This Mother’s Day I am reminded that it is also my daughter’s last week in preschool. It is the second year that I had the joy of experiencing 2 celebrations, one at school and one at our home. At home we celebrate my mother, mother-in-law, and myself. My husband does all of the cooking and cleaning beforehand and it is wonderful.

Others I have known over the years celebrate by going out for a meal, ordering in, going shopping, taking a trip, having a mom’s day out with the kids, having a mom-only day, a spa day, or a mother-daughter mani/pedi. Mothers whose children are grown and out of the home look forward to cards and flowers in the mail or a visit from children who don’t live too far. I am amazed at how differently everyone celebrates mother’s day. However it is spent, it is wonderful and lucky to have a child look at his or her mother with admiration and thanks for simply being a mother. Until I became a mother, I never truly understood what my own mother went through! And I am truly thankful to her.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

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