Spring and the Outdoors

This spring when the weather warms, the sun is out, and your child(ren)’s energy soars, how can you use that wild energy for fun rather than picking up after your little tornado all evening?

Last spring the preschool teacher told us: “The kids always get a little wound up this time of year!” and she was right. Boy, was she right! And this year is no different. I have already begun seeing articles about “how to get the crazies out,” or energy, wildness, or whatever you choose to call this seemingly endless child fervor!

I’m not sure what the experts say, but I know what we do. On sunny days, we go outside. My child will ride a bike, ride a scooter, or ride a cozy coupe when she was very little. We draw on the driveway with chalk, go for a walk, visit a playground, etc. I will tell her I am timing how fast she can run from point A to point B and watch her go! We do a lot more playdates and they make up all of their own outside games, thankfully, with sticks or rocks or dirt. Dig a hole, plant a flower, pull the flowers (weeds) out of the grass, fly paper airplanes, jump in puddles after the rain, see how many somersaults you can do from one side of the yard to the other… etc, etc. The list of outside activities is endless because it is so easy to find things to do outside without the use of toys or craft supplies.

But what about those cold or rainy days when most of your child’s time is spent indoors? We added a new activity to our repertoire this spring and want to share! Often now, I put on music for my daughter to dance and sing to and have her pretend to put on a concert. But she becomes much more immersed when we paint. We bought paints (I know, GASP!) and have multiple disposable tablecloths from the dollar store and Amazon on hand. She can paint on almost ANYTHING. Old craft leftovers from Christmas or Valentine’s Day? Paint on them. Paper plates? An old piece of wood? T-shirts? Outgrown sweater? Play shoes? Old school worksheets? Your arms? Paint on it all. Just wash it off afterward! Get creative and find any old or unused thing in your home, and let your child paint on it. Mine went nuts for this… hope yours does too!

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