I must admit that I was very skeptical about the miracle blanket. After having our third child we ju


I must admit that I was very skeptical about the miracle blanket. After having our third child we just assumed that we would have to wait until she “grew out of it” , before we got any sleep. (Our other two children were fussy as well). Another problem with our third child was that she would not sleep on her back. She would only sleep soundly on her tummy, which we knew could be dangerous. My husband and I could not sleep knowing she was sleeping on her stomach, we tried everything our pediatrician told us to do and nothing worked.
I was online searching for something to help and ran into your web site. My husband said I was wasting my money but I quickly ordered praying this would be our solution. I know it has only been a short time but it is already worth the $29.95 and more!
We wrapped her up and put her on her back and she slept until 5:30 this morning. We just couldn’t believe it. (She has never slept on her back, she would just scream while on her back.). At 5:30, we fed her and after we fed her she slept 3 more hours. Congratulations on such a great product. I wish we had found the Miracle blanket when our other kids were babies! I can’t wait to tell my pediatrician tomorrow!

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