I was about to give birth with my first child and went to have dinner with a friend, Lee, who was du

I was about to give birth with my first child and went to have dinner with a friend, Lee, who was due at the same time. (We actually both gave birth to sons on May 11, 2003 – mother’s day). She had just gotten a package from her mother and in it was 2 miracle blankets. Her mother had heard about them from the Oprah show. I thought that it seemed like a great blanket and went home and ordered 2. They didn’t arrive before we went to the hospital. And we had such a time trying to “burrito” the baby with the hospital blankets. I couldn’t master it at all. My husband would do it, or we’d call a nurse. So, we were ecstatic to try the Miracle Blanket® when it arrived in the mail a few days later! And it was great. It was so easy to get him nice and tight. He loved it. We called him “Harry Houdini” because that is what it would have taken to get out of the wrap.


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