The Pool!

Here in the South, swimming season is in full swing. It approached 90 degrees today with sunshine and warm breezes. So I did what many moms do when playground equipment is hot enough to burn skin… I took my energetic little one to the pool after school.

Although I am somewhat of an older mom, with a preschooler at 40, I still have some of the same old insecurities about wearing a swimsuit. Especially after having a child. I realize my discomfort is the same as many other moms at the pool so I ignore it and jump in, so to speak. I want my child to have fun, get outdoors, enjoy some sunshine, and get healthy exercise. Swimming is our go-to fun outing during summer. We don’t have our own pool or we might live in it! So I suffer through the occasional horrified thoughts about how I must look to other people in my swimsuit, and enjoy time with my little mermaid.

What are some things you do with your child that you would likely not do otherwise?

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